Debunking five common fleet myths

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about fleet management. We’re setting the record straight in our latest Fleet Studies Lab lesson, “Debunking Five Common Fleet Myths.”

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Skills in Class
Data-Driven Decision Making
Driver Retention
Vehicle Specification
Fleet Electrification

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The fleet industry is booming with data, new technology—and its fair share of myths and misconceptions. Let’s debunk five of the most common myths about fleets.

Myth #1: Telematics are expensive and difficult to implement.

No, not really. When properly utilized, telematics will save your company money—and headaches.

While telematics can collect a ton of data, it need not be overwhelming. With the right guidance, you can cherry-pick the exact info you need to improve your fleet’s performance and driver safety. Once you experience the benefits of telematics, you’ll come to appreciate that not embracing them is the costly choice.

Myth #2: EVs won’t be a practical solution for at least five years.

Not so. It is true that some EVs, especially trucks and vans, won’t be readily available in large numbers for a few years. However, in many situations, EVs are a viable and practical option today, especially for sales and customer service fleets made of sedans.

But regardless of your vehicle type, there are benefits to introducing a few EVs into your fleet now. This will help you get acquainted with EV-specific planning and operations. This know-how will come in handy as you electrify most or all of your fleet in the coming years.

Myth #3: Fleets are simply a means of transporting goods and services.

Not true. This may be their core purpose, but they can accomplish much more. Good-looking, well-maintained, and properly upfitted fleets can help you recruit and retain talent. For employees who spend a good part of their workday behind the wheel, what they drive matters a lot. Furthermore, with your company’s name and graphics on your vehicles, your fleet can be transformed into roaming billboards, raising awareness of your brand and generating customer calls.

Myth #4: There’s little difference among vehicles of the same class.

False. Fuel economy, performance, and comfort are just some of the important factors that can vary between vehicles of the same type.

To ensure you make the right choice, work with trained experts who will spec the best vehicles for your requirements. After some analysis and “ride-alongs” with your drivers, they’ll match your fleet’s workflow with the ideal makes and models that will optimize efficiency and driver satisfaction. These same pros can help with upfitting your vehicles, too—which brings us to our final myth.

Myth #5: Upfitting is a “nice-to-have.”

The truth is, upfitting your fleet with the right equipment should be a must-have. It’s a smart way to enhance driver safety, productivity, and satisfaction. Upfits should be spec’d by experienced pros. They can advise you on what’s best for your specific needs, as there are often nuances that can make meaningful differences. And make sure your upfit equipment is installed by OEM factory-trained experts—otherwise, it could be installed incorrectly, risking injury and negating your warranty.

You’ll find plenty more myth-free content right here at the Fleet Studies Lab.

Skills covered in the class

Data-Driven Decision Making

Using facts, data, and metrics to determine what actions to take to enhance your fleet operations.

Driver Retention

Keeping your drivers safe, productive and happy.

Vehicle Specification

Identifying the best, most appropriate vehicles for your fleet.

Fleet Electrification

Understanding the fundamentals of EV planning and operations, and their impact on sustainability.

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